

台灣就是台灣 中華台北是哪位?









中共建立 台灣地位動搖




台灣早期在聯合國較有人氣,大部分國家仍將中華民國在台政府視為真正的中國,但隨著時間演進,中共勢力越加龐大,以蘇聯為首等國家開始質疑,認為蔣中正政權的政府,並不具有代表權中國的正當性,因此建議台灣將奧委會的名稱,由「中華奧林匹克委員會」改為「中華民國奧林匹克委員會」,而國際奧會也從 「中華民國」改稱為「台灣」。


退出聯合國 台灣國際地位一落千丈



奧會模式出現 中華台北現身





60年代至今,台灣在國際賽事上經歷了風風雨雨,政治人物們礙於身分與利益,總是在國際上卑躬屈膝,安於「中華台北」的現狀。而台灣近年來隨著社會 運動的興起,國族認同問題再次躍上檯面。此次台灣年輕人發起的「台灣就是台灣,別再說中華了!」正名活動,更顯現台灣人對於自身定位的重視,渴望在國際賽 事中,逐漸找回屬於自己國家真正的榮耀。

National pastime is a whole new ballgame in Taiwan

Baseball, a favorite summer sport in both the United States and Taiwan, has become an arena for a much larger competition. The Free Taiwan Party tossed out the first ball at the concluding Aisan Games face-off in Taiwan on Sept. 20, with a noisy protest against the Chinese Taipei team name. The fate of a nation is the prize in the new contest.

At the scoreboard level, Taiwan beat Japan for the first time in fifteen years with a 3-1 victory winning a silver cup. In the bleachers at the ballpark, the voice of Taiwanese independence rocked the island and the message was seen by a large television audience in Japan. Taiwan, then called Formosa, was Japanese territory until 1952, when the San Francisco Peace Treaty left the island under United States control, but with an unresolved international status. The United States farmed out managing the island to the Chinese Nationalists who were getting beat in their own country and moved the Kuomintang franchise to Taiwan.

Taiwan's first “national” baseball team was formed in 1951 and was called Team Taiwan. The 1964 Olympics saw Team Taiwan compete for the the gold. However, the Republic of China in-exile presence on Taiwan has been a sore spot with rival Peoples Republic of China and so the PRC has been forcing the name Chinese Taipei wherever they can and a growing body of organizations have adopted the new name. The sporting world, including the Olympics, has been an easy out for the PRC. The ROC, the other half of the two-headed “one China” has gone along with Chinese Taipei. As a consequence, a new generation of athletes has kowtowed to the Chinese and played for team names that betray the island sovereignty.

What the athletes and cheerleaders will not do, as they salute their white flag, is stand up for principle and their own independent future. The siliver cup is a more immediate goal than making a nation. While the players try to figure it out, the fans in the ballpark are showing them the way by saying, “Taiwan is Taiwan, not Chinese Taipei.

When the manager of the Baltimore Orioles visited Taiwan, he openly corrected the reporters in Taiwan that his star lefthander, Chen W-Y, is from Taiwan, not Chinese Taipei. For many people the name Chinese Taipei is offensive. Aquia Tsay, an organizer of the Free Taiwan Party, says Chinese Taipei should be discarded because of its offensive nature.

Aquia Tsay told the Liberty Times that was time people quit cheating themselves. “Taiwan is Taiwan and enough is enough.”

During the last baseball game between Taiwan and Japan, about three hundred supporters of the Free Taiwan Party, lowered the Olympics flag of Chinese Taipei, causing some heated moments. Two hundred policemen showed up to put the white flag back without any arrests. A huge white banner was raised in the outfield, which read "Taiwan is not Chinese Taipei".

The Free Taiwan Party is openly for Taiwanese independence. The new party seeks to field candidates for the Legislative Yuan with a goal of seeking a legislative voice for independence. Aquia made clear that while the party will run candidates in ROC elections, the party does not endorse continued occupation by the exiled Chinese government.

Given the wide media attention in Taiwan to the ballpark display, it appears that the Free Taiwan Party has hit a home run. Similar banners denouncing Chinese Taipei have began showing up at rail stations in Taiwan. Under ROC martial law such demonstrations and banners were illegal and thousands were jailed for expressing support for Taiwan's independence.




